Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Just some funny thoughts...

So I am sitting on my couch trying to work on my webquest and I looked around me and thought I should share this moment with the moms (and dads) of the group...

I am sitting in the middle of the couch with a daughter on each side of me...they each have a bowl of cheerios, which are both empty and I am now floating in a sea of 10,000 cheerios. My duaghter Mallory is attempting to crawl over top of me (and the laptop) to get to the other side where Madeline is sitting...and I am still typing away on my webquest! The power a mother has to multi-task :) Hopefully I get this webquest completed...

1 comment:

Juli said...

OH, I can sure relate. The difference is my dog is barking to go out, the kids want dinner, and I need to finish an assignment for another class tonight after this one. Such is life. Juli